What would you like to learn?

online, not alone
We believe the most effective and enjoyable way of learning online is through live classes with real people.
Here you can exchange ideas with others, receive valuable feedback from your expert and share your learning journey as part of a small group.
With live classes, there's no need to trawl around the internet for answers, just ask your expert tutor.
quality first
Spotlight Multimedia courses have been carefully and expertly designed to ensure that you receive the highest quality of learning possible. We understand that all learners are different. That's where our experts really shine - guiding you personally through your learning journey.
Spotlight experts are all highly experienced professionals - they know what it takes to work in the creative industries. They'll teach you exactly how it's done in the real world, with tonnes of helpful tips and tricks.
We are quality assured by NCFE, BTEC and Havering Adult College and are an approved training provider for the ESFA to ensure that our courses remain at the highest standards.