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Mission Statement
Spotlight Multimedia’s mission is to provide 'high quality and easily accessible multimedia courses and qualifications'.
Our 5 key objectives are:
To raise the level of digital skills locally (London) and nationally
To provide access to multimedia training and production facilities to those who may have barriers preventing them doing so
To provide industry recognised qualifications to improve the prospects of those wishing to enter the creative media industries
To provide training in digital content creation for online marketing purposes in order to support business growth
To provide high quality industry-led multimedia training to those wanting to develop their artistry
creative industries in london

“In London, the creative industries generate £47 billion per annum and the creative economy accounts for 1 in 6 jobs. This is one of the fastest growing sectors of London’s economy and, across the UK, the number of people working in these industries is growing at almost three times the national average. Many of these jobs are ‘future proof’ because 87 per cent of creative occupations are at low risk of automation” (Mayor of London – Skills for Londoners Strategy 2018)